Test Document from Writely.com

This is cool! An online word processor that multiple users can access!

This is a test document to test the new Writely online word processor. Google bought the Writely company and will soon be integrating it into the Google accounts. I used my Gmail account to register to hopefully make the transition easier.

Column 1
Column 2
you can insert rows by hitting tab in the last cell
How do you merge two cells?
  • Butteted list in a table
  • This is a test to see if it wraps correctly. This is a test to see if it wraps correctly. This is a test to see if it wraps correctly. It does!
  1. This is a numbered list in a table
  2. Does it wrap correctly? Does it wrap correctly? Does it wrap correctly? Does it wrap correctly? It does!

So far, it looks very capable as a basic word processor. I really like that I can post to my blog, and update the blog entry with a simple menu selection. However, there are a few problems I've discovered that keep it from becoming my main writing tool:

  • When published to my blog (www.beens.org/blog), the photo in this document did not publish correctly (border shows, but no picture). (Update: I can't publish any new documents to my blog, only this one!) (Update 2: If you change the HTML of the picture line to "src="http://www.writely.com/File.aspx?id...", then the picture displays correctly.)
  • When published to my blog, the spacing above and below this list changed and it leaves extra space at the end. I maybe shouldn't fault Writely for this, as I have experienced similar problems when publishing to my blog from email.
  • When published to PDF, the image proportions changed and the image ended up distorting (correct width but too short).
  • There is a feature that allows you to email a document into your Writely account, but it does not appear to be working.
  • I can't see how to merge cells in a table.
  • You can't change the line spacing of part of a document, only the whole thing.
  • You can't set the page size.
  • You can't link from images.

Hmmmmm, now how will I use this word processor? Email me your ideas.


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