Trip Out West - Part 2

I got on the road shortly after 7:30. The forecast in Cleveland called for rain, so I figured I'd be smart and wear the rain suit right from the start. Was I ever glad I did.

As soon as I hit the Pennsylvania border the winds started, then when I hit the Ohio border the rain started. After Toledo, the clouds parted and the sun came through, prompting me to stop and throw on some more sunscreen. But just before Chicago the skies turned BLACK, and the rain hit harder than I have ever experienced. Unfortunately I was on a section of the highway that was under construction and didn't have any shoulders, so all I could do was drive through it. My vision got so bad that I just looked for a vehicle that had bright headlights and followed it -- road lines were useless at that point. When that ended, I found myself in the thick of rush hour in Chicago, the city where I wouldn't be far off in saying has North America's worst drivers, and where the drivers have absolutely ZERO respect for motorcyclists.

With the time change as I headed west I gained an extra hour, so I took advantage of it to drive a little longer. My total miles for the day were a tad over 700 (>1100 km). I drove through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, where I finally called it quits in the little town of Mauston.

(Click on map to enlarge)


Anonymous said…
Peter I am so glad I saw this. You are OK and I(we) am (are) glad.I hope you will have sunshine all the Way from here. Looking forward to you next "Blog" Pa

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