
Showing posts from August, 2009

Edmodo - Will I Use It?

Note: This is just a very quick summary of some of my thoughts about Edmodo, and is not intended to be a comprehensive evaluation. You should not make any decisions about Edmodo without evaluating it for yourself. On July 13, 2009, I attended a webinar which was presented by Jeff O'Hara , co-founder of Edmodo. Edmodo is a website dedicated to "micro-blogging for education". Some of its main features are that it allows you to to set up classes, post notes (optionally including embedded content) to those classes, have online discussions, post (and have students submit) assignments, and post items on a calendar. My first reaction was very positive, and I was hyped to use it to replace many functions of my website and online daybook. I particularly liked it because of its notification system -- students could be notified of updates via the web, twitter (via direct message), email, and/or text message. I particularly liked that students could be notified of updates via text me...

Social Bookmarking - New TGJ-Teachers group in Diigo

I've listened to others' recommendations about Diigo being better than Delicious and have to agree. The nice thing is that they can work nicely together, because anything you post in Diigo can automatically be sent to Delicious. One nice feature of Diigo is that you can have groups to share your bookmarks with. As an experiment, I've created a "tgj-teachers" group where, when you save a related bookmark, it can automatically be sent to members of the group. What I like about the groups is that every morning I am greeted with an email showing me new bookmarks that have been added to that group. Here is the URL if you are interested in joining:

Hybrid Auto Training for Teachers - Anyone Interested?

I see on a mail list I belong to ( Ontario Transportation Technology Teachers ) that there is quite a bit of interest in a PD session on hybrid technology. To help start compiling a list of names of teachers who are interested, I have created an online form that you can fill in with your details. Here is the form: .. If you are interested in organizing this PD session, please write to me ( directly or through the mail list) and I'll give you the private web address where you can get everyone's contact information. Please forward this information to anyone that may be interested.

Paypal Scam - Update II

Now the creep has the nerve to send me the following message: "Hey there peter i dont know what is it you are doing but i have not heard from you since i sent you the PayPal payment to you....I will be forced to report you to PayPal if you don't get back to me ASAP..." I have forward his messages to . It's too bad there isn't a way I could report his email address to a service that would shut it down. Does anyone know if Gmail has an address I can report him to?

Paypal Scam - Updated

Ingenious... I received an email asking if my MacBook I had posted on Kijiji is still for sale, its condition, and my best price. I wrote back with the details. I then received a followup email asking if I would ship it overseas, and the person would be willing to pay extra for the shipping costs. If I'd be willing to do it, I can send a money request through Paypal. It all sounds good.....until I get a very similar email from someone else who also offered extra for it to be shipped overseas. Unfortunately, I had already sent the Paypal money request, so the scammer's plan was in motion... My hunch is that I am going to receive an email stating the money has been transferred into my Paypal account, and the email will include a link that goes to a Paypal website which is fake, where they will try to get me to type in my Paypal username and password. I won't bite, of course, as I will manually log into the Paypal website instead and check my balance. UPDATE Just as I suspect...