
Showing posts from November, 2009

Google Presentation Photo Slideshow Exemplar

In my grade 11 Communications Technology class I've asked each of my students to look at the " Explore " pages in Flickr and then mark at least 10 photos as their favourites. I've then asked them to create a Presentation using Google Docs and share those favourites with their classmates. Here is a quick presentation I created that my students can use as an exemplar. As I explain in the presentation, these are not actually my favourites; they are just my own top flickr photos, rated in terms of their " interestingness ". This presentation is also available for download or sharing here .

Uploading Files to a Google Group

This is quick tutorial for uploading files to a Google Group. Feel free to share this information with others. If you spot any errors, please notify me at , and if you learned about this tutorial via twitter, please RT! Thanks! Note: this tutorial is also available as a PDF copy for printing. @pbeens 1. Log In, Step 1 First, go to the address of the Google Groupand log in using your Google ID. If you are not a member, select "Sign in and apply for membership". 2. Log In, Step 2 Enter your login details, then click "Sign in". Do not check "Stay signed in" unless you are on a private computer. 3. Enter Files Area Click on "Files", near the top right corner of the screen. 4. Upload File, Step 1 Click on "upload new file". 5. Upload File, Step 2 Click on "Choose File". 6. Upload File, Step 3 Browse to the file you want to upload, then click "Open". (repeat these last...

New Mail List for Animation Teachers

As part of the provincial training for the new Ontario Technological Education and Computer Studies curricula, I created a number of subject-based mail lists that the teachers could use to share resources, ask questions, etc. Most of the mail lists became quite popular, particularly when the the teachers went back to their school boards and encouraged others to join. These lists are: Communications Technology Teachers of Ontario - http :// groups . google . ca / group /tgj- teachers Computer Technology Teachers of Ontario - http :// groups . google . ca / group /tej- teachers Construction Technology Teachers of Ontario - http :// groups . google . ca / group /tcj- teachers Green Industries Teachers of Ontario - Hairstyling and Aesthetics Teachers of Ontario - http :// groups . google . ca / group /txj- teachers Health Care Teachers of Ontario - http :// groups . google . ca / group /tpj- teachers Hospitality & Tourism T...