
Showing posts from December, 2009

My Public Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)

Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog This is the link for educators. tags : TGJ , TGJxx , education , web2.0 , WebsiteCreation Posting style - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia tags : MailList , posting , wikipedia Usenet quoting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia tags : MailList , Quoting , wikipedia » Magazine tags : magazine , free , photography , TGJ , TGJxx , pdf PixelatedImage Blog tags : blog , TWIP , photography , TGJ , TGJxx , ebooks Make: Online : MAKE presents: Ohm's Law tags : OhmsLaw , TEJ , TEJxM , TEJxx , electronics , Make , video Web Programming Software Stack tags : PHP , ICS , ICSxx , Xampp , netbeans , tutorial , RussellGordon , Java ICS 3M - Computer & Information Science - Grade 11 tags : PeterMcAsh , ICS , ICSxx , ICS3M , javascript TIK 20 - Computer & Information Science - Grade 10 tags : TIK2O , PeterMcAsh , javascript , ICS , ICSxx Bell - Mobile solutions for business - Mobile Connect tags : BellMobility , tethering , software , blackberry...

My Public Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)

Google Chrome Extensions: IE Tab tags : google , chrome , extensions , myplugins , IETab | Of girls and geeks: Environment may be why women don't like computer science | University of Washington News and Information tags : ICS , ICSxx , issues , Girls , ComputerScience , ACSE , tweeted Google Chrome Extensions: Email this page (by Google) tags : chrome , extension , email , myplugins Google Docs (Google Workshops For Educators) tags : google , googledocs , web2.0 , education , video Ontario a loser in immigration points game - tags : TechEd , issues , canada , immigration , skilledWorkers Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Motorcycle Trip Log (United States)

It's been awhile since I updated my trip log, and with two big trips this past year (Florida, West Coast), I thought now was a good time. So now the challenge will be how to fill in some of the gaps this coming summer. Perhaps a loop around the southern states, like this: ? It's just over 5000 miles, and I can easily do 500 miles per day. If I take two weeks, it should give me time to stop and take a few pictures, hehe... Free, personalized travel maps at

My Public Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)

Cairo Integration with wxPython - Installation of Python, wxPython, pyCairo, and Cairo 2-D graphics library on Windows XP | Alex Matan tags : python , ICS , ICSxx I Don't Understand My Colleagues Sometimes - The Educators' Royal Treatment tags : education , administration , web2.0 , social-networking National Geographic's International Photography Contest 2009 - The Big Picture - tags : photography , , best_of , TGJ , TGJxx How To Use An Apostrophe - The Oatmeal tags : apostrophe , grammar , English , education Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: What Do You Mean I Can't Twitter? tags : Twitter , banned , social-networking , issues , conference Google Goggles - Use pictures to search the web tags : goggles , google , CoolTech , search , visual Beginner's guide to HD video: Guides: Learn: Digital Photography Review tags : TGJ , TGJxx , videography , HD , HDSLR , photography Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

Ontario Nature's Writing and Art Contest for 2009-2010

Please share this with grade 7 and 8 teachers in Ontario. "The Year 2010 has been declared the Year of Biodiversity by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Simply put, biodiversity is the variety of plants and animals in the world, or in a particular area. If the earth's living systems are to remain strong, those systems must have a high level of biodiversity. Our well-being depends on it. In keeping with UNEP's efforts to raise awareness about the critical importance of biodiversity for a healthy planet, the topic for this year's Ontario Nature Youth Writing and Art Contest is: Wild species and wild spaces: why biodiversity is important to me. The contest is open to students in Grades 7 & 8 across Ontario." To continue reading about this contest, please visit .

Google Goggles

Google Goggles (type that three times fast!) is a visual search tool that uses your phone's camera, and depending on the search type, your phone's compass and GPS. To learn more about it, visit the following link, and be sure to check out the video. Alas, it's only available for the Android phone. Shame.

Article: Jobs disconnect in RIM's hometown

Here's an interesting article about the disconnect between the high number of vacant "high tech" jobs and the high unemployment rate. It's specific to the Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge area, but there are lots of good generalities applicable elsewhere. is coming down!

Well, not really! I'm embarking on a grand experiment to replace my current website with one done entirely in Google Documents. I'm not sure if the transition will ever be totally complete, but I'll be moving content from the old site to the new one as it's needed for my students. Eventually my old site ( ) will be dismantled and replaced by Google Docs. At least that's my goal...  :) If you want to visit the new site, you can visit here: Why am I doing this? Well, as I explain on the new home page, the bottom line is I want something that lets me makes changes FAST, and that gives me more flexibility for working on collaborative projects that are embedded right on my website. I think it will make me a better teacher because I'll be able to be more responsive to my students' needs. Right now, I often have to delay getting information posted for my students because of the software I am using (RoboHelp) and the networ...

Want to Edit MP3 Files?

Here's a quick video from cnet showing you how:

Move ACSE Mail List from Yahoo Groups to Google Groups?

ACSE Executive, When I started the Yahoo mail list for the ASCE membership back in 2003, Google Groups and the popularity of Gmail, Google Documents, Google Calendar, etc., did not exist. Since that time, there has been an explosion of services available with a Google account, the most popular, I would guess, being Gmail and Google Documents . But that Google account you may now have also buys you membership into Blogger , Google Wave , Google Reader , Picasa Web (photos), Google Video , YouTube , and many, many others . Never mind the hundreds of gadgets from outside parties that integrate with Google, like my Remember-the-Milk gadgets that I use in Gmail and Calendar, or the weather gadgets that I use in iGoogle . Personally, I think it's time to move from Yahoo Groups to Google Groups. I run over a dozen mailing lists at Google Groups very successfully, and I see so much more potential there than at Yahoo, particularly with the ability to collaborate on resource developme...

Put your town on the 3D map: Google Model Your Town Competition This looks like an amazing project to do in class! Take the students for a photo-walk, let them choose the buildings they want to model, take lots of pictures, then head back to class and have some fun! Perhaps schools within the same town can collaborate so the work is divided. (Be sure to check out the video)