Adding Content to the BDSS Website

First, go to the BDSS website by clicking here or searching for BDSS at Google. Note that the BDSS website may be on the 2nd or 3rd page of search results, depending on if you've ever searched for it before on the computer/browser you are using.

Once you at the website, scroll to the very bottom of the main page and click on the "Sign In" link:

Sign in using your Google credentials. If you have a Gmail account, it will most likely be that. 

If you get a message denying you access to edit the website, see me (Peter Beens) in 3109 for a quick orientation and to be added to the collaborators list.

If you get a message prompting you to create a Google Sites account (part of your Google account), follow the directions to do so.

If you adding "news" information to the website, you will be adding a new page to the "Breaking News and Announcements" section of the website. You'll find the link for that in the table of contents on the left side of the page. (If you are adding subject-related content, please see me first for further instructions.)

Click on the "New Post" button to add your content:

Add a title and your content, then click "Save", near the top of the page. That's it! 

If you have any questions, please email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. 


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