Which picture should I choose?

Last Saturday I took part in Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photowalk, this time participating as part of the Buffalo, NY group.

I've now had a chance to process and consider the 100 or so pictures I took, and have come down to these five as my best. But picking the one that I have to submit is the hard part, and that's where I'd like your input...

Possible WWPW Submission #1
Possible WWPW Submission #1

Possible WWPW Submission #2
Possible WWPW Submission #2

Possible WWPW Submission #3
Possible WWPW Submission #3

Possible WWPW Submission #4
Possible WWPW Submission #4

Possible WWPW Submission #5
Possible WWPW Submission #5

I'd love your opinion about which you think is best. You can let me know by responding in the comments below, replying via twitter from here, or emailing me at pbeens@gmail.com. Thanks so much!


cyndiejacobs said…
Hi Pierre!

the one that caught my eye the most is #3, followed by #4. #3 because of the colour blend and #4 because I love to see pictures of people. I assume this is Jodi??
Anonymous said…
I choose #2. I really like the attention to detail.

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