From Obstacles to Opportunities - Classroom Teacher Survey

The Ontario Teachers' Federation Curriculum Forum is spearheading an initiative to identify the main obstacles to being more successful in the classroom.

A preliminary survey was sent to the members of the Curriculum Forum, and the following broad categories were identified:
  • Access to Current Technology
  • Access to Self-Directed PD
  • Bureaucracy
  • Class Size/Composition
  • Opportunities for Collaboration
  • Pace of Change
  • Resources
  • Student Attitude
  • Union
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Workload
A second survey has now been prepared, and input is being solicited from as many OTF classroom teachers as possible. The results of the survey will be used to help inform discussions about how we can overcome some of these obstacles. My hope, as a member of the OTF Curriculum Forum Steering Committee, is that this will be the start of an ongoing dialogue amongst all interested parties in an effort to overcome these obstacles.

If you are interested in completing the survey, please visit:

Once you identify the category of your primary obstacle, there is only one question to be answered, so it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to complete.

Thank you so much for helping with this important initiative!

(When referring to this initiative on twitter, please use the tag "#o2o".)



Unknown said…
I think that access to self-directed PD is a huge issue, and bundled in with that issue is the cost of many forms of PD (for example $800+ for an AQ) and the time to attend - getting permission to be away from work is one thing, getting coverage (supply teacher) is another one entirely. What it unfortunately also comes down to is that if you want PD, you have to resort to stuff offered after school and weekends, and pay for it yourself - this means that teachers with families and small children have a particularly large barrier to PD.

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