Ontario Technological Education Teachers Mail Lists
When I did the provincial training for the new Tech Ed curriculum back in 2009, I created mail lists in Google Groups as a way for the teachers to network, both as part of the training and afterwards. A number of these mail lists have become hugely successful, with lots of dialogue about anything from field trips to textbooks, and what I am most happy about, with teachers creating and freely sharing resources that they have developed. To join any of these lists, you have to have a Google account. If you have a Gmail account, then you already have a Google account, so you can just use that address to join. If you don't have a Google account, you'll have to create one, which you can easily do by following the directions after you click on one of the links below. Note that you do not have to create and use a Gmail account to join; you are welcome to use your school board or personal email address. To join any of these mail lists, just click on the appropriate link below : A...