Discontinuation of iTookThisOnMyPhone Service

I recently received the email shown below from the folks at itookthisonmyphone.com. I believe itookthisonmyphone was one of the first services dedicated to uploading images from your smartphone, so in a way it's a significant event in smartphone photography history.

Is it a sad day for users, or just a service whose time has come? When I went into my account to check if there were any pictures I wanted to download and keep, I realized I hadn't used it for years, having mostly switched to services such as twitpic, posterous, flickr, or even facebook.

Is anyone out there affected by this event, or did you, like me, switch to a different service long ago?

Dear iTook User:
iTookThisOnMyPhone has operated our unique service for the last four years as a free service. At this time we are discontinuing the service effective immediately. You will no longer be able to post images or download the application from the various App stores to your device.
You will be able to download your photos from your iTook webpage by logging into the system with your username and password. Go into each Album and select Download Album to download your photos to a local computer. You have until June 29th to retrieve your images. Go to http://www.itookthisonmyphone.com and login to download your images or risk losing them.
If you do not download your photos prior to June 29th, they may still be available by contacting support after that time, however, per our terms of service there is no guarantee they will be available indefinitely. All photos will be permanently destroyed on July 15th. No information will be sold or copied.
If you do not know your password, enter any username and press go on the home screen. This will take you to a page where you can request your username and password.
We appreciate your support and use of this product. We look forward to serving you in the future.
iTookThisOnMyPhone Support
4540 Alpine Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45242


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