Textbook. The textbook Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne [ Amazon · Pearson · InformIT ] surveys the most important algorithms and data structures in use today. The textbook is organized into six chapters:Chapter 1: Fundamentals introduces a scientific and engineering basis for comparing algorithms and making predictions. It also includes our programming model.Chapter 2: Sorting considers several classic sorting algorithms, including insertion sort, mergesort, and quicksort. It also includes a binary heap implementation of a priority queue.Chapter 3: Searching describes several classic symbol table implementations, including binary search trees, red-black trees, and hash tables.Chapter 4: Graphs surveys the most important graph processing problems, including depth-first search, breadth-first search, minimum spanning trees, and shortest paths.Chapter 5: Strings investigates specialized algorithms for string processing, including radix sorting, substring search, tries, regular expressions, and data compression.Chapter 6: Context highlights connections to systems programming, scientific computing, commercial applications, operations research, and intractability.
Every one of us, on average, will be sleeping for 24 years in our lifetime. Still, there are many unanswered questions about sleep and how much we need of it. With this post, Leo Widrich sets out to uncover what the most important research has taught us about sleep. And of course, how you can use this knowledge to create an unbeatable daily routine.
Busy schedules are one reason why educators don't collaborate and connect through social networking platforms. But a lack of time isn't the main issue. It's priorities.And because this month is Connected Educators' month, this is a good time to share why educators need to get connected, said Derek McCoy, the new principal of Spring Lake Middle School in North Carolina.
Digital citizenship is a key component of the technology and media literacy. We should not only teach our students how to be good citizens in the real physical world but how they can be good netizens of the online world as well.
Hamilton teachers unions are frustrated after two weeks of hearing from Ontario Liberals that they could be legislated into signing an agreement with the province.
Hamilton teachers unions are frustrated after two weeks of hearing from Ontario Liberals that they could be legislated into signing an agreement with the province.
“Essentially, it's bullying,” said Chantal Mancini, president of the teachers bargaining unit for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF) district 21. “Negotiations take time.”
feel “demoralized and attacked”
Legislation, he said, would be “a blatant interference in the collective bargaining process.”
"Processing cross platform and is a totally free to download, use and publish with programming language. The download includes the programming environment and compiler as well. Processing is based on JAVA and can use many different JAVA libraries. It has also now has the ability to compile apps for Android as well as run as Java Script. It is these to latter functions that I focus on for this site."Note that there are numerous references to the "Getting Started with Processing" textbook, available for a nominal charge at Amazon.
So I've been watching Ben Rimes' posts for DS106 go by and I keep thinking I should give that a try. I was inspired by the Return to the Silent Era assignment, so after watching a couple other people's submissions I figured I'd jump in. One of the things keeping from trying any ds106 assignment before was a lack of expensive software. Ben always uses high end programs like Adobe Premier and Photoshop that I don't have. How could I possibly do any of the cool stuff he does.Well, I decided to see if I could do the whole thing using only my iPad. It also gave me an excuse to buy Avid Studio, an app I've been looking at since it came out. Apps I used:Avid Studio $4.99 - For video editingBlux Movie (free right now) - I shot the movie with Blux.PhotoShop Express and SketchBook Express (free) - To create the placards. I added the text in Avid StudioiSuper8 (free) - Final aging effects added.
"It’s not an official release, but a freshly-baked Android 4.0 ROM has been made available for the Dell Streak 7 tablet."
The Dell Streak 7 may be discontinued. But that hasn’t stopped independent developers from keeping the 7 inch tablet’s software up to date. There’s already an unofficial build of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean for the Dell Streak 7.
"Writing great software is not that hard. But software developers can be their own worst enemy in trying to code the good stuff because they lapse into sloppy or wrongheaded practices."
"Posting another person’s private and confidential information is a violation of the Twitter Rules."
Show this article to students before having them create presentations! "Presenters, teachers, and students all resist design-centered slide design on the basis of a perceived lack of time. Since I know that the visually-driven, Zen approach works, I am not deterred by this resistance; instead, I use one simple phrase to help cultivate strong design from presenters whose time is limited.If you want to create beautiful, impactful, and audience-centered slides but don’t have 20 hours or more to devote to designing a slide deck, just remember the acronym C-R-A-P, and create slides that embody strong Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity."
just remember the acronym C-R-A-P
Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity.
Using contrast is the simplest design “tweak” you can make to each slide of a deck.
Difference is what helps viewers process information quickly.
isolated the core message
eliminated the rest of the information as “noise.”
match core colors—about three—to theme, industry, and mood.
How do you stand out in a sea of chalkboard templates? Create your own original design
Precise alignment eliminates confusion and assists your audience in processing information
Slide software comes equipped with tools (gridlines, rulers, guides) that can help you place elements deliberately.
Proximity is often overlooked, yet it has subtle impact. Proximity has to do with the spatial relationship between two or more elements, objects, or ideas.
To ensure your elements are reinforcing your verbal message, study up on spatial and relational proximity, and follow the golden rule—alike, together; different, apart.
Great design is not just the realm of professional designers. With limited time, you, too, can apply a bit of design problem-solving to your slides by using contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. These four tools can greatly impact not only your design but your audience as well. Remember that great visuals don’t have to take all of your time — don’t worry, be CRAPpy!
"While the Mars Curiosity rover is the most complex machine NASA has ever sent to another planet, the computer that runs it is no more powerful than the one in your smartphone."
"Social networking is too important to the future of the Web to be reliant on the advertising industry. That's the argument put forward by the founder of an effort to create an open, ad-free social network closely modeled on Twitter but supported by fees from users.Dalton Caldwell, who founded one of the Web's earliest successful social networks, Imeem (see "IM-based Social Networking"), and sold it to MySpace in 2009, announced the project, App.net, last week to widespread interest from Web startups and developers."
"Looking for the greatest motorcycle roads in America? American Motorcyclist took votes on their 230,000 member website and came up with this list of the best places to ride in the U.S."
The article linked here is about a plea to new Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to make Flickr an awesome website (and experience) again. In particular, it mentions a website that was created to make a simple appeal to Ms Mayer
Dear Marissa Mayer,PLEASE MAKE flickr AWESOME AGAIN♥the internet#dearmarissamayer
"It didn’t take long for the appointment of Google executive Marissa Mayer as Yahoo CEO to ignite hope in the hearts of Flickr lovers everywhere. Entrepreneur Sean Bonner bought www.dearmarissamayer.com and used the domain to appeal not for a more friendly Yahoo Mail or for a better search facility but for a better photo-sharing site. Writing in 100-point font, he pleaded as someone who loves flickr “and it breaks my heart how Yahoo! has just let it rot for all these years” for the new chief executive to “please make Flickr awesome again.” The page was signed “the internet.”"
"High Fructose has been under heavy scrutiny for the past couple years. When families found out just how “unnatural” HFCS was, they proceeded to spread the word to their friends and neighbors. Those who manufacture this product, have spent millions trying to convince you that it is natural – derived from plants and is equivalent to table sugar."
An excellent infographic about texting and driving.
"This is Now project is a visual composition which uses real-time updates from the ever popular Instagram application based on users geo-tag locations. The tool streams photos instantly as soon as they are uploaded on Instagram and captures a cities movement, in a fluid story."
"The Java Bridge is Java code equivalents for all the app inventor components. It is a high-level Android library for rapid development of apps."
"Adding a solid-state drive (SSD) to your computer is simply the best upgrade at your disposal, capable of speeding up your computer in ways you hadn't thought possible. The even better news: A good SSD is now cheaper than ever. But as with any new technology, there's plenty to learn. Here's everything you should know about your SSD, whether you're interested in upgrading or just like to know the ins and outs of your hardware."