Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to work creatively with interactive electronics. We are creating a software and website in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, developing a tool that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and to create a pcb layout for professional manufacturing.
"EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in the Python programming language."
The digital breadcrumbs left behind when people use Internet-connected gadgets are what led California investigators to recover iMacs, iPads and other items stolen from the home of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs.
"As the start of the school year quickly approaches, we feel it necessary to clarify and explain some of the misrepresentations being portrayed by the Ontario government regarding the ongoing labour unrest in the education sector."
"Learn about Adobe InDesign, the industry-standard publishing application for print publications, interactive PDF documents, digital magazines, and EPUBs."
Learn the basics of InDesign CS6 with Getting Started and New Features tutorials by product experts.
Ontario’s minority government is escalating its battle with teachers, laying out threatened legislation to freeze wages for two years and short-circuit strikes or lockouts to keep kids in the classroom.Education Minister Laurel Broten previewed the bill with two weeks to go until her Sept. 1 deadline for teacher unions and school boards to negotiate deals with no pay increases as the province fights a $15-billion deficit.
Just about a month ago, I stopped wrestling with an operating system and learned to love the Web. Windows? Gone. My MacBook? Hardly touched. Instead, I’ve relied on a Samsung Chromebox 3 running Google’s ChromeOS for virtually all my daily computing needs. And I not only survived, I actually prospered.
The provincial government unveiled details of legislation it plans to introduce if it does not strike deals with the remaining teachers unions' by the end of the month.
"We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students (approximately ages 13-17). The curriculum helps educate students on topics like:
YouTube’s policies
How to report content on YouTube
How to protect their privacy online
How to be responsible YouTube community members
How to be responsible digital citizens
We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity."
"An exciting initiative for students and teachers to develop digital literacy skills on YouTube and across the wider web in a few short lessons. To take part, go to http://www.google.com/edu/ytcurric or http://www.youtube.com/teachers"
Not a very stimulating video, but it does provide a good overview of the Turtle Graphics in Python.
Safeshare link: http://www.safeshare.tv/w/ZiMUjLZjLU
"It's jam packed with groundbreaking features. Find how Photoshop CS6 can accelerate your productivity in this very engaging session which covers everything for design, photography, print, web and interactivity to getting the most out of the new Content-Aware tools, reengineered design tools, correct wide-angle lens curvatures, auto-correct, intuitive video creation, revolutionary brushes and more."
"Learn how to stand out from the crowd on your Facebook page. View video for quick tips on how to update your cover photo on Facebook using Photoshop."
"Introducing a new way to think about higher education, learning, and technology that prioritizes the benefits of the human dimension. José Bowen recognizes that technology is profoundly changing education and that if students are going to continue to pay enormous sums for campus classes, colleges will need to provide more than what can be found online and maximize “naked” face-to-face contact with faculty. Here, he illustrates how technology is most powerfully used outside the classroom, and, when used effectively, how it can ensure that students arrive to class more prepared for meaningful interaction with faculty. Bowen offers practical advice for faculty and administrators on how to engage students with new technology while restructuring classes into more active learning environments."
"There is no need for conflict when there is a defined process for collective bargaining that has been used successfully in the past. The vast majority of school boards agree. The vast majority of education workers agree,” said Ken Coran, President of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) at their annual Leadership Conference in Toronto. "
"There are times when you might need to stop and restart CrashPlan, such as when you:
upgrade your operating system
move CrashPlan user to another computer
want to connect to a headless CrashPlan
are instructed stop and restart by CrashPlan support
Be sure to follow the instructions for your operating system."
"Last year, Nicholas G. was 12-years-old. He convinced his dad to get him a developer account from Apple, and began to learn how to program apps.
Nicholas is now 13, and the second update to his first app, Quick Notes!!, is out on the App Store. Version 1.0, says Nicholas, has already accrued over 3,000 downloads. How many downloads did your app have when you were 13? Mine didn’t have any. It still doesn’t."
These stories demonstrate Three Ring’s potential as both an instructional application and an assessment tool.
The form used to tag submitted resources at CEMC12
"Dropbox is an awesome service. You can back your files up to the cloud, sync them between computers, and share them with your friends. That's not all it can do, though. Here are our top 10 favorite clever uses for our favorite file syncing program."
every time I opened the main CrashPlan program it would let me do my stuff for about 30 seconds then close down with no error message.