Now here we are in Ontario, once again, dealing with a provincial government who blabs on about “putting kids first” as they scramble to lay blame for the deficit. (Ask any Ontario public school teacher – this catch-phrase is so hypocritical it makes us want to throw up.)
"Now that the Volume Licensing Programme is available in more countries school can make sure that they have legally paid for Apps. This makes choosing Apps more interesting and a thoughtful approach can be taken and there are many options. I have put forward a set of App that might fit the bill with options between free and paid for."
Here's a free set of Bird Brushes, 23 in all and made using Photoshop 7, so they'll be compatible with versions 7 and up, also PS Elements 3 and newer.
The fallowing are the downloads that where made free by HoltSoft before they went out of business as well as new versions of Turing that have been found or developed by the community.
One popular technology to accomplish these goals is a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect remote sites or users together.
A few months ago, just as the campus of Princeton University had grown nearly silent after commencement, 40,000 students from 113 countries arrived here via the Internet to take a free course in introductory sociology. The noncredit Princeton offering came about through a collaboration between Coursera, a new venture in online learning, and 16 universities, including my own.
Google Chrome Portable is a web browser that runs web pages and applications with lightning speed. It's designed to be simple and stylish. It's packaged as a portable app, so you can take your browsing experience with you.
This nonsense "battle with the teachers," Premier Dalton McGuinty is engaged in is so much hype.
The last thing young people want is another set of rules. But these days, social media comes with great responsibility, whether you’re just starting high school or finishing up college.
The fact is, irresponsible social media conduct could potentially ruin your education and negatively impact your career, not to mention hurt others in the process.
Most weeks, our famed MakerBot printouts are culled from a handy website called Thingiverse. It's here that members of the CNC community can submit pre-made models for anyone to print — and if some of our past videos are any indication, there are some very good ones available too. But while it's easy to print someone else's creation, there's something to be said for designing one yourself. There's a sense of accomplishment that you just don't get by mashing "print" on a pre-made design.
Amy Purdy talks about the power of imagination. She explains how our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by the choices we make. Imagination allows us to break down borders, to move beyond our circumstances, to create and constantly progress.
"http://thelevityproject.com/ The Levity Project is a social movement creating change through public acts of play, laughter, and celebration. Our goal is to create a global community in which people come together to create an upward spiral of global positive social change.
The Levity Project created the Micro-Movement concept in which people from around the world take part in an event with no time or location barriers. We see it as an online flash mob. The idea behind the micro-movement is that what starts with one can touch many.
Enjoy the smiles!
To join us on our next adventure, go to http://thelevityproject.com/"
The Quick Reference Card is an easy-to-print guide to all the SketchUp tools and their modifier keys. Keep it handy as you start using SketchUp and you’ll learn to model quickly and efficiently.
This page documents how to use Google SketchUp to create 3D models suitable for fabrication. These instructions should work on both the Windows and Mac OS X versions of SketchUp.
We’re delighted to announce a new experiment in online learning: MIT OpenCourseWare, Codecademy, OpenStudy and P2PU are partnering together to offer a new kind of massive open online course (MOOC). Our first course is “A Gentle Introduction to Python.”
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Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are