Call for Schedule F Additional Qualification (AQ) Course Guidelines Writers
In collaboration with the Ontario College of Teachers, OCTE (The Ontario Council for Technology Educators) is proud to announce that they have agreed to manage the draft development of the Schedule F Technological Education emphasis course guidelines for the following subject areas:
- Computer Technology (TEJ)
- Green Industries (THJ)
- Technological Design (TDJ)
Lead writers and writers for each of the emphasis areas will be hired in the coming weeks, with writing taking place from December 2012 to ~February 2013.
You can read the original memo regarding this project here, and an overview of the process is provided here.
If interested in being part of the writing team, the application can be downloaded from here. Note that the deadline is November 21 at 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please email
Please help to share the word by distributing this information to the appropriate personnel in your school board!