Ontario College Motive Power Convention and Green Fleet Exposition

On behalf of Wayne Toth at Niagara College...

Ontario College Motive Power Convention and Green Fleet Exposition

June 24-27, 2013
Niagara College, Welland Campus

Registration is filling quickly, space is limited.   Please visit www.niagaracollege.ca/mptpd

To access our registration page directly please visit https://enterprisesystems.niagaracollege.ca/Forms/MotivePower/

On behalf of Niagara College, Niagara Region, NAFA Ontario, City of Toronto, Ministry of Transportation, Fleet Challenge Ontario and Electric Mobility Canada,  Please accept this invitation to the Ontario College Motive Power Convention and Green Fleet Exposition. We have partnered this year with the Green Fleet Exposition to provide our professionals with more green content over this very exciting event. Please join us on June 24th June 27th.

Highlights of this year's event include:

Green Vehicle Ride and Drive
Monroe Ride and Drive
Technical Clinics featuring New Technologies Andy Masters Award Winning Author and International Speaker Exhibits from transportation industry vendors and automotive professionals Numerous networking opportunities Impressive line-up of speakers sharing in the latest and greatest in green vehicles and technology

Opportunities are available for manufacturers to participate in our Ride and Drive event on Thursday June 27th. Trade show booths are also available for vendors throughout the event.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We have many sponsorship opportunities available. Learn about your options by downloading our Sponsorship Opportunities Form in PDF format at www.niagaracollege.ca/mptpdsponsorship

Thank You

Wayne Toth
Co-ordinator Motive Power
Technology Division
Niagara College
Welland Campus
300 Woodlawn Rd. L3C 7L3
(905)735-2211 Ext.7875 


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