Mohawk College Broadcasting Television Program -- VIP Day

From Mohawk College...

Mohawk College Broadcasting Television program will be hosting a College Applicant VIP Day on Wednesday, February 3.  There will be 2 sessions held throughout the day and we encourage to register for one of the sessions: an afternoon session from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM and/or an evening session from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM.
If you have applied to Television/ Media Production programs we encourage you to come and tour Mohawk’s production resources/ facilities, meet the faculty, meet our industry partners, speak with students in the program, and shadow a production class.
It’s important for all student applicants to make an informed decision about their post-secondary education and we hope to provide you with information to further your career path exploration. 
If you are interested in screen writing, independent and corporate production, field camera production, sports and event broadcast, and post production then sign up for the Applicant VIP Day.   If you wish to bring a friend or family member to the session you are most welcome to do so.  Please feel free to forward this information onto your friends and colleaguewho have expressed interest in or have applied to post-secondary media programs.
Online RSVP for Applicant VIP Day Click on this link:  VIP Day RSVP

For more information about the Mohawk College Broadcasting Television Program click on this link:  Broadcasting Television Mohawk College

To view student productions click on this link: Broadcasting Television Student Productions


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